OECD 417
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關於「OECD 417」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
Test No. 417: Toxicokinetics | en | OECD2010年7月23日 · This Test Guideline describes in vivo studies that provide information on mass balance, absorption, bioavailability, tissue distribution, ...OECD GUIDELINE FOR THE TESTING OF CHEMICALSDraft proposal for a revised TG 417: Toxicokinetics. INTRODUCTION. 1. Studies examining the disposition of a chemical substance are conducted to obtain ...Draft OECD Guideline Defined Approaches for Skin Sensitisation2019年9月2日 · of Draft Guideline (GL) for Defined Approaches (DAs) for Skin ... 255, and should include at a minimum the following elements: 417.Section 4 - Health effects: replaced and cancelled Test ... - OECD.orgData and research on test guidelines including chemical testing and assessment, chemical safety, animal welfare, endocrine disrupters, good laboratory practice ...OECD Test Guidelines for the Chemicals - OECDData and research on test guidelines including chemical testing and assessment, chemical safety, animal welfare, endocrine disrupters, good laboratory practice ...Revised Guidance Document 150 on Standardised Test ... - OECD2018年9月3日 · This guidance document was originally published in 2012 and updated in 2018 to reflect new and updated OECD test guidelines, as well as ...ISO/TR 22019:2019(en), Nanotechnologies — Considerations for ...As stated, the current OECD toxicokinetics TG 417 explicitly states that the guideline ... Amidon G. L., Langguth P., Caco-2 versus Caco-2/HT29-MTX co- cultured cell lines: ... [210], Hesterberg T. W., Hart G. A., Lung Biopersistence and in Vitro ...[PDF] OECD‑FAO Agricultural Outlook 2017‑2026 - Food and Agriculture ...data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West ... www.twitter.com/FAOstatistics.[PDF] Endpoint specific guidance - ECHA - europa.euBanerjee S and Baughman GL (1991) Bioconcentration factors and lipid ... Standardised test methods (e.g. OECD TG 417 Toxicokinetics) are not widely ... Theil FP, Guentert TW, Haddad S and Poulin P (2003) Utility of physiologically based.Proposal Draft Dossier for Candidate Low-Priority Substance D ...OECD SIDS initial assessment report: gluconic acid and its derivatives. ... Purity not reported • OECD Guideline 417 • GLP compliance not reported 4947912 Oral ... OR "Calcium Gluconate"[tw] OR "D-(+)-Gluconic acid delta-lactone"[tw] OR ... OR "Calglucol" OR "Clewat GL" OR "Delta-D-GLUCONOLACTON" OR "Dextronic ...
- 1toxicokinetics中文翻譯,toxicokinetics是什麼意思:毒物動力學…
- 2毒物的吸收、分布與代謝 - 國家環境毒物研究中心
Toxicokinetics (毒物代謝動力學): 定量地描述毒物通過各種. 哪些因素決定靶器官的毒物劑量. (. ) 途徑進入體內的吸收、分布、代謝和消除過程的「 ...
- 3toxicokinetics - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"toxicokinetics" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... pharmacological investigations, pharmacokineti...
- 4Toxicokinetics - 毒物動力學
- 5毒物動態學英文,toxicokinetics中文,藥學- 雙語詞彙
毒物動態學. 中文 毒物動態學. 英文 toxicokinetics. 學術領域 藥學. 毒物动态学用英文怎麼說? toxicokinetics. 【毒物動態學】相關詞彙中英文 ...